It is with great honor that I share the exciting news of a collaborative project between VEGA Consultancies L.L.C. in Dubai and the Technology Innovation Institute in Abu Dhabi. This partnership represents a significant milestone, uniting national institutions and the private sector while engaging key national and international stakeholders.
The initiative, titled “Citizen Well-Being, Happiness, and Cognitive Neuroenhancement,” aims to enhance population well-being, support stress management, and promote prevention strategies, further strengthening the UAE’s position as a global leader in well-being and performance.
I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to TII, the president of AINEM (International Association of Neuromarketing) for providing access to the world’s largest network of neurophysiology laboratories, the University of Brescia, and the DET of Dubai. Together with Rosaria Gagliardi, I am privileged to contribute to the UAE’s international leadership, fostering its development as a global role model and an even better place to live and work.
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Filippo Castiglione Enrico Natalizio Rosarita Gagliardi Nazzareno Fagoni prof. Guido Ferretti AINEM Associazione Italiana Neuromarketing Caterina Garofalo Francesco Gallucci Università degli Studi di Brescia Valeria Radaelli Denis Ceschia Francesca Vittori Dubai Department of Economy and Tourism