COP 28 is a crucial event for our future. It will serve as a beacon for the choices that governments around the world will need to make in the coming years. These will be shared decisions and behaviors with implications for business models that must prioritize sustainability and environmental impact while preserving biodiversity.
It is a great honor and privilege to be closely following COP 28 here in Dubai, UAE. I will be attending alongside my company, VEGA Consultancies, because I firmly believe that change begins with people’s awareness, proper education, and a necessary shift in paradigm. A paradigm shift that transforms competitiveness into cooperation. Therefore, having enlightened leadership is crucial.
It’s important to instill a culture in individuals and organizations, to share and promote values rather than impose change.
I thank the UAE for creating this opportunity and uniting all the leaders of the world for one common goal, the future of humanity and the protection of the environment.
وزارة التغير المناخي والبيئة Ministry of Climate Change and Environment VEGA Consultancies L.L.C. Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation Rosarita Gagliardi Human Resources Facilitators Dubai Department of Economy and Tourism One Stop Dubai Valeria Radaelli